Welcome to PhysioNeedle Clinic

PhysioNeedle Clinic stands as the leading destination for premier physiotherapy services in the heart of Bangalore.

Welcome to PhysioNeedle Clinic

A leading provider of specialized physiotherapy services dedicated to helping individuals of all ages achieve optimal physical health and wellness. Founded by Priyadarshini Shetty, a passionate and experienced physiotherapist, our clinic is committed to delivering exceptional care tailored to each patient's unique needs.

Opening hours

  • 10am - 7pm
  • Only Appointments

    Please call in advance to confirm

Quick facts about our clinic

Health Services in Physiotherapy

Physiotherapy encompasses a diverse range of therapeutic interventions aimed at promoting mobility, function, and overall well-being. At PhysioNeedle Clinic, we offer a comprehensive suite of health services tailored to address your specific needs and facilitate your journey to optimal health and recovery.


  • Saharika
  • Jashodha Ashok
  • By Rahul
    Priya exuded professionalism and warmth, creating a comfortable atmosphere during my visits. Her thorough assessment and personalized approach showcased her expertise in understanding my specific concerns and tailoring a treatment plan accordingly. She was able to pinpoint the root causes of my back knots and provided targeted treatments that yielded significant relief. Under Priya's care, I experienced a noticeable reduction in my back discomfort, and I feel more at ease overall. If you're seeking a skilled and compassionate physiotherapist, I highly recommend Priya for her professionalism, expertise, and commitment to her clients' health.
    By Rahul
  • By Nikhil
    Priya is an amazing physiotherapist and I was not able to lift my arms to do my job and only after a few visits i am feeling so much better. I highly recommend her and her services. She is very professional and personable."
    By Nikhil
  • By Karthik
    Great job done by Priya in supporting me in getting more mobile. I would recommend her services to anyone who needs that's support !
    By Karthik

Priyadarshini Shetty



My Philosophy

My approach to physiotherapy is rooted in compassion, professionalism, and a commitment to excellence. I believe in empowering my patients through education, collaboration, and personalized care, guiding them on their journey to recovery and helping them achieve their health and wellness goals. With a comprehensive understanding of the human body and a passion for continuous learning, I strive to deliver the highest standard of care and make a positive impact on the lives of those I serve.